I decided to get some perspective and go for a stroll in the nether regions of the far right. Specifically, I wanted to get inside the head of Dr. John Tanton, whose private papers I am suing to break the seal on. The Camp of the Saints, for those who don't know, is usually described as a stunningly racist novel, published in 1973 by Jean Raspail in French. The English version followed in 1975, and Dr. Tanton's Social Contract Press acquired the rights to republish it in 1994. It's a "dystopian" glimpse of the downfall of Western civilization brought about by unchecked "Third World immigration" - in this case, Indians coming to the shores of France. Tanton has said that this book helped him focus his thoughts as he built the nation's trifecta of anti-immigrant organizations currently informing US immigration policy. It's been referenced frequently by the likes of Steve Bannon and Rep Steve King and has become a cult classic among white supremacists. Tanton wrote in 1994 that "we humans do not seem to like our truths unvarnished. Rather than 'just the facts,' we commonly prefer to have them dressed up in the memorable forms of plays, poems, allegories, metaphors, fables, parables, proverbs, tragedies and satires." Well, I have a message for Tanton. This book is not about preserving a culture facing an existential threat innocently "varnished" with fiction. The only thing "varnishing" this nativist rant is filth and primordial slime. Never referring to a non-white person in any term besides turd eater, monster, or creature, the book is best described as a glimpse inside the mind that is so disgustingly and violently racist that it doesn't even know it. If a single chapter of this book had been written by a non-white, that person would be indicated, lynched, or both. Through the FOIA lawsuit, then, I hope to uncover exactly how the following gems I extracted from The Camp of the Saints "focused" Tanton's thought and what effect, if any, this book had on the genesis of policy pushed by his groups like FAIR: [warning: extremely offensive] "We, the white race, pine for the days of colonialism. Third World refugees are driven by an animal instinct, but they are cunningly intelligent. Their desperation is a monster. Their arrival here is bad for us, and bad for their countries. So hold fast to your Western contempt for these creatures; don't be owned by guilt. We've weakened ourselves in believing these creatures equal to us, poisoned our minds with multiracial nonsense. These squalid refugees, they can turn bad even if they appear friendly. That's why any sensible immigration code MUST steel us from undue compassion. The pathetic Chinese - they pose even when we shoot them, attempting to impress us even in death. Why should we have to justify our actions in killing them? Stay woke to the siren song - we celebrate diversity at our own risk. And that celebration is nothing more than cheap entertainment, social justice warriors whoring their culture out - nothing pays (or controls the masses) like charity. The Left doesn't want them here in their heart of hearts, they sit on branches that they saw off themselves, a self-consuming fire. The Right is righteous, unadulterated, uncommercialized and a lamp of guidance. We are the oppressed minority. Empathy is a cancer; we've enslaved ourselves to these feces-eating monsters. It's their last chance, you say? No, it's *our* last chance. We lost all our fighters during colonialism. They call us racist? Of course. Racism is the natural, hence true product of independent thought. The races don't get along and we've turned this innocent fact into a war cry. It's as natural as being alive. And so the demise of our race is everywhere - in school projects, TV, media, everywhere. And that's worse than our own past; being overrun with refugees is worse than medieval slavery. The system worked as a just master-servant relationship. Yes, we are angry. We are frustrated at not being able to propagate the obvious truth of the threat to the masses drunk on diversity. At our publications being ridiculed as conspiracy theories when it's the honest truth. We hate the stories of interracial solidarity; it's leftist propaganda. We don't need their "culture." It's not our fault they lost. Now we're supposed to groan with shame at the height of our prosperity. Everyone self-preserves, why not us? Let natural selection take its course. Look at (apartheid) South Africa. They did it right. Genocide is necessary sometimes, and even fun. We must be vigilant, for "cowardice toward the weak is cowardice at its most subtle and indeed, its most deadly." ********* Reading this book has steeled my resolve to ensure the dystopian future of an Antiracism Commune, museums dedicated to diversity, and a profound respect for all human culture continues to come true. Their dystopia is our utopia.
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AuthorHassan Ahmad, Esq. Archives
June 2018